You Had to Be There Photo shoot. Credit- John Tudor
Creative Team:
Original cast- Natalie Bellingham, Matt Rogers and Nikolai Calcoen.
Remount cast- Natalie Bellingham, Matt Rogers and Mike Auger
You Had To Be There is a celebration of liveness and “being there”. An interactive, highly comedic exploration of what it takes to make those one off magical moments that despite being permanently etched in our memory, never quite translate in the retelling… when, you just had to be there.
Over the course of 1 hour Uncanny take on the seemingly impossible task of creating the most gloriously memorable moment possible with our audience. A moment that we’re all scientifically guaranteed to remember.
Along the way new friends are made, catchphrases are generated and one person will do something that they might never have dreamed would be possible. Together we explore how we connect with other people, and how we process the regret around those times when we wish we’d been there, or when we missed that golden opportunity.
I’m not sure that this is doing it justice. I guess you just have to be there.
‘You Had To Be There’ by Uncanny Theatre is like a glass of bubbly in austerity times, like a brilliant party! Susan Burns, Chol Theatre 2015